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Big Beacon SuperChat Launches A Whole New Engineer, 7:30-9pm ET, Wed, 1 October

On Wednesday, 1 October 2014 from 7:30-9pm ET join a Big Beacon SuperChat to launch the new book A Whole New Engineer: The Coming Revolution in Engineering Education (  The SuperChat is split into two parts:

7:30-8:00 pm ET: Hangout On Air, The Making of a WNE with Q&A and discussion via Twitter.  From 7:30-8pm Eastern, watch the live interview of the author/writer team of A Whole New Engineer (WNE).  Join host Peter Winick, CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage as he interviews Catherine Whitney and Dave Goldberg about the making of a WNE.  Dave Goldberg is President of Big Beacon, co-author of the book (with Mark Somerville), Emeritus Faculty at the University of Illinois, and Distinguished Academic Partner of Olin College.  Catherine Whitney is an author and writer behind many books having worked with Jane Pauley, Judge Judy, Lee Iacocca, Donny Deutsch and others. Link: To watch the live On Air Hangout, click the link here  Twitter: Meagan Pollock and Erica Lee Garcia will live tweet the video feed, field questions for the Hangout On Air & conduct a discussion among twitter participants. Hashtag: To join in the twitter conversation and Q&A use hashtag #BigBeacon.

8:00-9:00 pm ET: Twitter Chat about The Surprises in Making “A Whole New Engineer.” After the Hangout at 8pm, a one-hour twitter chat will be conducted by Meagan Pollock and Erica Lee Garcia as the Hang Out participants, Peter Winick, Catherine Whitney, and Dave Goldberg, join the regular Wednesday #BigBeacon twitter discussion around a number of open-ended questions connected to “The Surprises in Making A Whole New Engineer.” During the writing of the book, a number of surprising conclusions and twists and turns were uncovered and these will be the subject matter of a series of open-ended questions put forward for the fun and edification of a twitter chat conversation.   Hashtag: Sign onto twitter and search using the hashtag #BigBeacon to join in.  Use to automate appending the hashtag to your tweets.

Help launch a revolution in engineering education on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 from 7:30-9pm Eastern.  The book will be available after October 1 in hardcover and all major e-book formats.  For those who wish to read the book prior to the chat the Kindle version is availablehere.

Join us: On Air Hangout, click the link here & Tweet to hashtag #bigbeacon on Wednesday, 1 October 2014, 7:30-9pm Eastern.

Dave Goldberg is President of Big Beacon, a non-profit organization founded as a movement for the transformation of engineering education. Author of the widely cited bestseller Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning and co-founder of ShareThis, Inc., Dave now works now works with individuals, organizations, and networks around the world to collaboratively disrupt the status quo.

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