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FREE WEBINAR January 18th: 4 Keys to Ineffective Educational Change

Big Beacon presents a FREE WEBINAR 4 Keys to Ineffective Educational Change: How to Botch Transformation Without Really Trying Educational change leaders make 4 common errors that slow change and limit ultimate success. This short, interactive webinar gives practical strategies to both accelerate change and enhance the probability for effective and sustained success. Learn the 4 common mistakes of educational change efforts and how to overcome them. Big Beacon is a 501c3, non-profit organization dedicated to the transformation of education. This webinar is free with no…

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Facilitating Change That Sticks, June 10-12, 2014

FACILITATING CHANGE THAT STICKS:  Becoming an Effective Educational Change Agent June 10-12, 2014 At Olin College in collaboration with Big Beacon Attempts to effect change in engineering education often sputter out after a few years.  Why? Although faculty members and administrators are good…

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