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Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

41ejRNz7+lL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Carol Dweck makes a useful distinction between “fixed” and “growth” mindsets.  Those with a fixed mindset believe that traits such as intelligence, leadership, or even engineeringness are fixed.  Those with a growth mindset believe that they can grow and develop to become better along some dimension of human accomplishment.  Interestingly, Dweck’s research has shown that either viewpoint is a self-fulfilling prophesy, and those who shift to a growth mindset can make startling improvements in performance. WNE urges the current emphasis on sorting and a cruel survival of the fittest to a culture of caring, nurturing, and growth. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success written by Carol Dweck helps put this important shift in thinking to work in the engineering classroom and in all aspects of life.


Dave Goldberg is President of Big Beacon, a non-profit organization founded as a movement for the transformation of engineering education. Author of the widely cited bestseller Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning and co-founder of ShareThis, Inc., Dave now works now works with individuals, organizations, and networks around the world to collaboratively disrupt the status quo.

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